Sunday, June 2, 2013

Lean Low Carb Machines

Im half way through a 3 day course with Charles Poliquin (arguably one of the worlds best strength coaches).  The focus is on fat loss through testing called BioSignature.  Which is a fancy name for body fat testing to determine if you either are stressed because you eat too many carbs, don't detoxify well, or are too stressed.  The room is filled with people from all over the world, many of which are in fantastic shape.  There are only 2 common denominators between the lean people and the others:  Those that are lean would consider themselves Paleo dieters, and they do strength training a few times a week.  Those that score high on bodyfat do not follow a Paleo diet and either do cardio, or little exercise regularly.  Fortunately, this only confirms the value of a Paleo diet.  In fact all weekend, I've heard reference over reference of Dr,'s Naturopaths, and Functional Medicine Practitioners praising the Paleo diet for optimum health.  So if your doing 30 days of Paleo dieting with me, I hope your on track!  And if your not yet eating like a cave man, you may be soon...  This diet is racking up studies and results all over the world.  So here's my takeaway for today...  Insulin is considered the hormone of aging.  Every illness we get is associated and made worse by the presence of insulin.  Too much insulin is also an indicator of fat storage and hormone imbalances throughout the body.  But the best news is, Insulin is the only hormone we have complete control over.  The only way to increase Insulin production is to each carbs.  So those of you on my 30 day plan can give yourselves a little pat on the back.  You've just lowered your risk of disease, , improved your gut health, assisted in the production of seratonin & DHEA, lowered your fat  cells, and lengthened your lifespan.  Just from a few days with no grains.  Isn't that amazing!  
Please let me know how your doing!